Blackkerchief Dick

A historical novel about smugglers set on Mersea Island in the 17th century inspired by a series of seances held by the Allingham family while on holiday on Mersea. The year is 1663 and Spanish captain and pirate Dick Delfazio of the smuggling brig Coldlight anchors in Mersea and heads for the comforts of The Ship Inn. There Blackkerchief Dick, named for the dandy silk kerchief he wears over his hair, falls for Anny Farran and finds himself in a heartbreaking love triangle. The smuggler discovers how true love and friendship can be found in the darkest of places. With romance, heartbreak and adventure on an even keel, Blackkerchief Dick ticks along to the beat of smuggler's life; murder, rum, and the old call of the sea.
Title: Blackkerchief Dick
Published: 1923
Genre: Novels